During our Planetary Empires campaign I will run my Night Lords army. I was inspired by Aaron Dembski-Bowden’s book Soul Hunter. The book follows the misdeeds of Talos, who is a form apothecary for the Night Lords legion. I fell in love with the fact that the Night Lords are evil; they’re not necessarily Chaos or like their Daemons or Gods. In fact the deplore Abaddon and the Black Legion for the use of possessed marines or for their daemonic possession. Night Lords are evil because that is how they were raised on Nocturne; almost bred into their very DNA.
Here is my 2,000 point list that I will run in the PE Campaign:

1x Chaos Lord(Talos) = 90 points
1x Daemon weapon (undivided) = 40 points
1x Melta Bomb = 5 points
135 points
I molded Talos to have the Blood Angel sword which I use as his Daemon weapon. I try to keep my HQ cheap but as effective as possible. On the charge he could have as many as 10 strength 5 attacks or roll a 1 on be worthless that round. He is also equipped with a melta bombs just in case I run into any vehicles or dreadnoughts that try to lock me up in combat.
6x Chaos Terminators = 180 points
2x Combi-Melta = 10 points
2x Combi-Plasma = 10 points
1x Reaper Autocannon = 25 points
4x Power fist = 40 points
2x Chain Fist = 30 points
1x Mark of Chaos Glory = 10 points
305 points
6x Chaos Terminators = 180 points
2x Combi-Melta = 10 points
2x Combi-Plasma = 10 points
1x Reaper Autocannon = 25 points
4x Power fist = 40 points
2x Chain Fist = 30 points
1x Mark of Chaos Glory = 10 points
305 points
I take these 2 two terminator squads because they are reasonably cheap and it allows me to bring a lot of fire power to bear when they deep strike in. The icons will allow them to deep strike where I want to ensure the destruction of heavy armor vehicles or heavy troops. Normally I would use Obliterators for a Chaos Space Marine but to fit with the theme and I cannot have daemonic possessed marines in my army.
9x Chaos Space Marines = 135 points
1x Aspiring Champion = 15 points
1x Power Weapon = 15 points
1x Melta Bomb = 5 points
1x Melta Gun = 10 points
1x Chaos Icon (Undivided) = 10 points
1x Rhino = 35 points
225 points
10x Chaos Space Marines = 150 points
1x Aspiring Champion = 15 points
1x Power Weapon = 15 points
1x Melta Bomb = 5 points
2x Melta Gun = 20 points
1x Chaos Icon (Undivided) = 10 points
1x Rhino = 35 points
250 points
10x Chaos Space Marines = 150 points
1x Aspiring Champion = 15 points
1x Power Weapon = 15 points
1x Melta Bomb = 5 points
2x Melta Gun = 20 points
1x Chaos Icon (Undivided) = 10 points
1x Rhino = 35 points
250 points
10x Chaos Space Marines = 150 points
1x Aspiring Champion = 15 points
1x Power Weapon = 15 points
1x Melta Bomb = 5 points
2x Melta Gun = 20 points
1x Chaos Icon (Undivided) = 10 points
1x Rhino = 35 points
250 points
I like to take a lot of CSM. I feel they are the second best troop in the game. For fifteen points you get: frg/krak grenades, bolter, bolt pistol, chainsword, and leadership nine. I have found the melta gun is the best for how I play. I’m an ultra-aggressive player and I need the meltas to be able to move and fire. They are balanced between anti-troop and anti-tank. Normally I would have one 15 man daemon unit but once again it does not fit my theme.
Heavy Support:
1x Vindicator = 125 points
1x Daemonic Possession (Machine Sprit) = 15 points
140 points
1x Vindicator = 125 points
1x Daemonic Possession (Machine Sprit) = 15 points
140 points
Army total: 2,000 points
I also employ two vindicators in this army. In an army one is easy to avoid but to can be nasty. These tanks help with a psychological edge over your opponent, especially if they are a marine player. They are concerned with evenly spacing their marines and destroying the vindis. This allows the meat of my army to get close and deploy by 12 marines. By that time it is too late and I’m on top of the enemy.
So here is a little insight to my army and the main list that I will be running for the Planetary Empire campaign. Please feel free to ask questions or leave feedback!